Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What's Been Happening Here?

We have been keeping busy with all sorts of things around here.  Aside from the normal stuff, here are some of our adventures. 
We had a time of encouragement for one family in our church who are expecting a baby soon.  I hadn't decorated a cake in a while, so it was fun to do this one.  Its like sculpture that you don't have to find a place to keep, because it gets eaten up.

Our girl has been keeping me busy, but she's no trouble at all.  Quite the cheerful and easy to please baby at the moment. 

We went to the zoo last week.  It was a great time. Before we went, our 2yo boy had to reassure himself that the animals would not be eating him and that Daddy would keep him safe.

Granny came over one day.  While she was making lunch, it was funny to watch all three boys trying to peek over the counter at what she was doing.  Then, she helped them plant some greens in the earthbox. They had a great time!

Lastly, friends let us bring home a new baby pig.  It was so cute (even though I'm not really a pig person).  It liked to follow 7yo boy all around the yard until he would sit so the pig (Rosie) could nuzzle into his lap or on his back.  Sadly, Rosie did not live very long.  But we enjoyed her while we had her- and our friends were understanding.  A few days after, I saw the boys sitting by the spot where my husband buried Rosie.  My 5yo boy said, "We put flowers (dandelions) on her grave...because we loved her."

Never a dull moment!

1 comment:

  1. Nice cake! and good snapshots of the kiddos--I'm a missing them already.I will be posting some flower pictures from my Mother's Day gift certificate soon.

