I knew he was getting muddy, but you should have seen him. His face showed that he wasn't "making a mess", he was hard at work. He was thinking and planning where to dump what and what to use to pour water and such. I like seeing those facial expressions on our boys. These clothes have made it through 3 so far, so if I can't get them clean they've served us well anyway.
Actually, all 3 boys were busy "working" in the water and mud- pouring, digging, and dumping. At one point a friend stopped by with 3 boys of her own, so there were 6 surrounding the mess! It just made me wonder- would girls have ended up with the same enormous mess of muddy, tubs, shovels, and buckets? Or, given the same semi- clean water and equipment to start with, would they're ending look completely different? Maybe I will find out for myself down the road someday. For now, a little mud is worth busy boys.
Well,yes, girls do this too. Though it seems they don't do it for long! I think the boys keep doing it for years and years :)