The beautiful tiger lilies my mom brought for me last year are in bloom. They're the prettiest things in our yard. The boys love them and had to have a quick lesson on what to pick and what not to pick. Of coarse, we can't eat these, so they're also waiting for the day lilies to bloom so we can munch on the petals which are very healthy.
Our mullein plants are blooming now, too. The leaves have already come in handy for a tea when 4yo had a respiratory problem two weeks ago. I know they grow wild (also known as a weed) but they have many uses and I just think they look neat. If you've never stopped to feel one, you should. The leaves are velvety soft-its no wonder people used to use them for toilet paper!
Our peach trees are looking good. There are plenty of little peaches growing, but we seem to be losing many of them. They just keep falling off! I'm all set to bake a homemade peach pie when they're ready. mmmmm.
Mulberries are something I've never tasted before. This year, I'm keeping an eye out for these to ripen. There are tons of black birds around, so I'm not so sure we'll get many for ourselves.
Lastly, here are our calendula plants. They're not blooming yet, but I'm glad to see them growing. The petals will be useful in making lotion, soap, tea, or just eating in a salad. There are more things we're trying to grow here in our little yard, but I'll wait to post about them if they actually make it.
Looks terrific!