Monday, October 18, 2010

Useful items in the home

There are a couple items I didn't realize how much I'd use until recently. Please don''t get mad at me, but I kill flies if they are in my home. I kill any bug that's in my home, actually. If it is a spider that has made a home right around my front entry.. I kill it, too. (Maybe that's why flies get into my home.) Anyway, it is not fun to have smashed bugs to clean up. I have found a better way.

We used to have a nice man come spray our home for bugs before I decided not to expose my babies to pesticides on a regular basis in the home. He told me that a sure way to kill a spider is to fill a spray bottle (almost all the way) with water. Then, add a couple squirts of dish detergent and shake it up. Spray it on the spider. It gets coated with the soap and dies soon after. I'm telling you, it worked.

I tried it on flies, ants, wasps, and more spiders...just try it, it works. No splattered bugs you have to clean up. Its best if the bug has landed on something. (Make sure you coat wasps and big spiders pretty good with 2-3 sprays.) If its not working, you need a little more soap. Oh, and don't spray it all over the kitchen while you're making supper. Food doesn't taste good soapy. But there is one more use for it...its handy to spray on dishes with stuck-on food.

I've also found many uses for our exercise ball. (Unfortunately, exercise has not been one of them.) When I was far into my pregnancy, it was the ONLY way I could find some comfort. Sitting hurt my hips and back, standing hurt my hips and back. Getting up off the floor after folding laundry or reading our 2yo a book while he was on the toilet (trying to potty train) seemed almost impossible. I started doing those things while sitting on the ball instead and they became easier. Also, it is very nice to have during labor contractions. I used one in the hospital with two of our sons' births and then ours' here at home with the latest delivery.

Since then, I've found myself using it still for the whole reading-to-our-2yo-in-the-bathroom-while he-tries -to-go-potty thing. But, also for lightly bouncing our newborn to sleep late at night.

Well, if you're not pregnant, or there are no children in the home to bounce there is still a good use. Its nice to stretch your back over it. Someone gave us the one we have. Would I go buy an exercise ball if we didn't have one? I'm not sure, and we might put it back into storage since it takes up space in our little rooms. But it sure has been nice to have around.

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