
Whatever God has you doing right now in your life... ..."let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart..." -Galations 6:9
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Newest family member

Monday, June 21, 2010
First Day of Summer
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sewing from a Pattern
A friend offered to have me and the boys over for an afternoon so we could both sew. It was so nice and relaxing- maybe not as relaxing for the hostess since she made lunch. But I enjoyed the time, hearing the children laughing (and screaming) while they played. I got to stop her every few minutes and ask what a sentence in my pattern was trying to tell me and she very patiently explained. I think its hard! But that may change with practice...can anyone attest to that? It made so much sense when my friend would explain it in English. Anyway, we could only get so much done, being mom's and wives with things to do.
I'm hoping to recruit my mom as translator when I go to visit her. Then, maybe I can finish the pattern. I tried to sit down tonight and go to the next step...huh? I am a visual learner, youtube has taught me many "how-to" things (but be careful on there!) Maybe I will have them done for Christmas (at least one pair for each of the two older boys.)
Happy Father's Day!
Proverbs 17:6
My sweet husband treats our children like they are blessings from God. He spends time with them like they were given to him as special presents. In return, their faces light up when they realize the next day is Saturday, and that he will be home all day. They love to do what he is doing. They even have fun doing chores together. I love to watch them all together.


He made sacrifices along the way that helped shape our choices in life. There are so many thing he does that I'm so thankful for. Perhaps the greatest has been all the hours he's spent on his knees in prayer for us. I thank the Lord for letting me have him as my Dad.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Terrific Two's

Word of Faith?
Have you been taught that if you're sick, its due to your lack of faith? We had a young friend, dying of cancer and tormented to think he could be healed if only his faith was stronger. Have you heard that we can "release" the power of God, or "speak" things into existence? I've heard people afraid to speak about the truth if it was negative. They believed that if they spoke only positive things, it would change a situation. I find this man's message to be powerful. I think his testimony is more potent than any false healing claims. He says that God wouldn't have to break a sweat to heal us, but He had to die to save us. We should consider that a greater gift than even a physical healing. There are 3 parts to this message on youtube. I think part 4 is best of all. Or, you can the whole thing on his website (I posted it below-couldn't get the video to download on my blog.) Don't let someone confuse your spiritual life. Use the Bible to test everything.
Raspberry pickers
As you can see, he did not muzzle the oxen while they were treading grain- a.k.a they ate as they picked. How sweet they are!
My 6yo thought I might want some ideas to blog about. He grabbed the camera and this is what he came up with:
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Homemade yoghurt!
Planning for Summer Learning and Beyond
I have been working with 6yo on reading, writing, and math. We have not had “school” every day consistently- but we’re easing into a pattern for next school year. When he was 3, I bought the whole k-4 A Beka curriculum! He was already ahead of most of it- but I wanted to start “school”! It didn’t quite pan out the way I planned. These last 2 or 3 years have been “school” for me. I’ve been learning so many things about homemaking, home schooling, and mothering in general. Anyway, I sold all the curriculum and began a slow journey into the research of others. If you’re thinking of homeshooling, let me just warn you, there is a PLETHERA of choices out there! I can see that there may be many curriculum changes from year to year and child to child.
For now, I have been very pleased with Spell to Write and Read. (It comes from a Writing Road to Reading approach.) At first, I was overwhelmed with how to teach it. But I began to take it a step at a time and it is working out wonderfully. My son could read early on, but this has greatly benefited his writing and reading. We learn all the phonogram (70) and all the spelling “rules”. And he writes his own spelling book. It takes some one on one time. But its worth it. It is designed to be a K-12th grade program all in one. He doesn’t jump up and down when we do it, but once we get started , he enjoys it. 4yo is also learning his phonograms and to write a few letters (I chose to start with cursive).
We are almost done with our first Math-U-See book, the “Primer”. His favorites are the telling time worksheets. I’m not sure if I love Math-U-See, but I will give it some more time. I have no complaints about it- ask again next year. I am open to suggestions.
We will be taking a break from these programs and switching our focus for the summer. I’m hoping to have Bible/prayer/singing, piano (for 6yo), Rod and Staff workbooks (for 4yo), and art projects for the summer. I have a nice piano curriculum called Pianimals I bought used. Its neat, but we got out of the habit. Most of all, though, I want to gear up for the fall! We’ll need to stick to our schedule and be consistent!
I came across a curriculum based on Bible reading called Student of the Word. I was very impressed with its foundation. There is a lot of Bible reading involved, even for the young ones. That is a good thing, but it can also be overwhelming. It is like a unit study with the Bible as its center. So, if you are reading in Genesis about creation, you study creation and evolution for science, for example. I’m not sure if I will use it for all subjects (except English and math), or as a guide for Bible reading, but it is impressive in many ways. I love the concept of unit studies, but - Goodness Sakes! They seem abundantly time consuming for the teacher! We’ll find our happy balance, Lord willing. For now, we'll focus some on playing!

Monday, June 7, 2010
All I'm saying is...I Can Breathe!
I guess I had allergies last week. I believe I’ve gotten them with each pregnancy- yuk! It was miserable. My father in law took the time to put some (fresh raw, still-on-the-comb, from his hives) honey in a jar for me to chew on. Have you heard that it is supposed to help with allergies? I don’t especially enjoy chewing it (some people do), but I thought I’d give it a try since he went to the trouble. A few hours later, my congestion and itchy eyes were cleared up after 3 nights of restless sleep. I still have a little scratchiness in my throat and “stuff”, but I sure can breath and I’m not miserable. It is almost all gone. Now, MAYBE it was already clearing up on its own. I have no way of conducting scientific research on it. However, if you have allergies, its at lest worth a try. It is pretty yummy- at least while there’s still honey in it. After you suck out all the honey, its like chewing crumbly gum. It won’t hurt to swallow the comb, in fact, its said to be healthy. I chewed it for a few minutes and spit it out. Ahhh! Fresh air!
Servant's Heart
The boys were excited to go to the annual youth fishing derby. 6yo caught the biggest fish for his age category, so he won a new fishing rod. After he caught 2 fish- although it was fun for him- he got distracted by the nearby sand and decided to make sand castles instead.
The other two also got prizes, but they didn’t catch anything. 4yo was beaming when they drew his name and loaded his arms with these goodies. 1yo was glad to show me what he got, too.
I have a friend who was there with her family. She has a servant’s heart like few people do. Her and her husband are both that way. Tonight she offered to walk all around with 1yo while my husband and I each helped the other boys fish. Seems like a small thing. But she does things like that all the time -and is she ever pleasant to be around. They would open their home to any person to visit anytime; they would offer a meal even if it meant they would have less for themselves; they would offer a car, bed, clothes, etc; they would lend out anything without worry about getting it back; and I don’t believe I’ve ever seen them sit and relax while someone else was working. “And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.” 1 Peter 4:9 Hospitality is so important, but it takes effort and sometimes sacrifice! Our spirits are lifted when they simply offer their services- and we try not to take advantage of them!
For my friend, putting others first also includes her husband and children. Sometimes we moms find it more rewarding to serve people outside our families because the rewards can seem greater. She doesn’t seek rewards or praise, she just serves without a lazy bone in her body. I think of her often when I’m going about my daily duties, or when I’m slacking off. Its good to have friends whose behavior challenges me to be more like Christ would want me to be.
I’m not trying to praise any one person, I know many friends and relatives with wonderful attributes, and many of them are servants. She was just on my mind after tonight. The best part is, the glory goes to the Lord. It is no mystery where her strength comes from. She loves to hear about and talk about the Word.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Time to Bake Bread
Here is our grain mill. In goes the wheat kernels. My father in law is big on ear protection, so he got me those ear cover things. I may lose a few points in coolness when I wear them, but maybe I'll still be able to hear when I'm older. Its really not TOO loud, but I do keep it in our pantry rather than in the kitchen to keep the noise down throughout the house.
The result of a little noise and a minute or two is soft, fresh whole wheat flour.
If there is any left over after making the bread, I put it in the freezer so it won't go to waist. I put in about 10 1/2 C wheat kernels, which grinds into about 17 C flour.
From one kitchen gadget to the next- they do all the work for me! In go the ingredients. Stand back and watch the mixer knead a pile of dough. (Update: Of all the whole wheat bread recipes I've tasted or made, I now have a favorite. I don't think I can post it for copyright reasons. It is from the Bread Beckers cookbook- the 5 loaf recipe. This recipe had never failed me. I always end up putting a little more flour in than the recipe calls for- just until the dough starts to pull itself from the sides. I've also never used the optional lecithin in the recipe. If you are needing a good recipe- its worth it!) For today this is the recipe I used:
6 C hot water
1/3 C oil
1/4 c sugar
1/3 C vital wheat gluten
2T salt
4T yeast
about 16C flour
Voila- here is the final product. Today, it is 3 loaves of bread, one loaf of cheesy onion bread, and a pizza crust to freeze. Yeah!
Strawberry Preserves!
Do you ever find that if you want to try something new, you have to wait until the children go to bed for the night? I have canned once with my mom years ago, but never on my own (and Mom did all the thinking.) I came upon a lot of strawberries that couldn't be put off. In order to concentrate- and sort out all the different information I was reading- I waited until after bedtime. Problem was, I was tired, too!
It took me a few hours so by the time I turned in for the night, all I had the energy to do was double check the stove to make sure the burners were off. I wanted to wait to hear that gratifying "pop" of the last two jars, but just couldn't. (I still got to hear them both as they each woke me up.) So, here are my results- 10 jars of sweet preserves!
I tried two different recipes. You can see my first attempt left chunks of strawberries at the top of the jar. The second recipe called for less sugar and mashed up the strawberries. I'm hoping to use these on pancakes, in oatmeal, and of coarse on homemade bread! I don't think I'll make a habit of canning preserves, jams, or jellies because of all that SUGAR! I have just one more thing to check off my list of "new things to learn, for fun and for usefulness."
Here is the second recipe I used:
6 Cups mashed up strawberries (I tossed them in the blender shortly)
2.3- 2.6 oz. powdered pectin
4 cups sugar
(This turned out a little runny instead of jelling much. That's just fine for me. But, I guess it needs a little more pectin next time.)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
What to do while husband's away
He doesn't stay away overnight very often, but when he does I get lonely. This last time, I decided to do something out of the ordinary to challenge my brain. Can you believe I built some shelves? I made a lot of mistakes. My sister told me about this website with plans for building different things. I picked one and there you have it. I'm not sure if I can vouch for everything on the site, but if you need some ideas for building- here it is: http://www.knock-offwood.com/2010/03/plans-simple-bookcases-in-4-sizes-willy.html Since we didn't have a truck to bring home the wood, I had the guy at the store go ahead and cut the pieces. He was very helpful and friendly. However, next time I will cut them myself. Many of the pieces ended up being just a bit off, making the whole shelf a bit off.
Its not painted yet(only primed). I don't see a chance to do so coming up this week, so I went ahead and put it to use. Hopefully I'll build something else useful someday.
Here's our raggedy garden. I just got some nice tomatoes and peppers (my mom grew) planted last night. We planted the first round too early. Most of them were either eaten up, or over watered by the endless rain we had. We also have some herbs growing by the sidewalk- cilantro, parsley, thyme, dill, and chamomile. Out of our 34 bean plants that sprouted, only about 4 of them are still growing. We'll see what are little harvest will come up with!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Time for myself?
A while back, I quickly put the verses of Proverbs 31 into categories to weigh the habits of a virtuous woman. I am no Bible scholar, so with that in mind, this is what I came up with...
feeding the family-13,15
clothing the family-13,21
laboring for the family/not being lazy or weak-13,14,15,16,17,18,19,24,25,27,31
good deeds/character-20,25,26,30
blessing/help to her husband-11,12,23
results of her virtues-28,29,30,31,10
I found that her worth was embedded in being a servant with her life. Only one verse tells about this model of a woman doing anything for herself. And no verse speaks of her external beauty. In today's society, if a wife is not up with the latest fashions she is said to have "let herself go". It can be a good thing to "let ourselves go" in a sense, so we don't get in the way of the work the Lord has for us. I'm no beauty queen, so it is not too difficult for me to spend only a small amount of time and money on my appearance. But it is difficult for me to give all my time and energy for what seems like endless household tasks that pop right back up before me as soon as I'm done! I could be doing so many other things!-or nothing at all! I am already so selfish with my time, I don't need anyone encouraging me to do less work.
I have to admit, I have a long way to go to even begin to look like this woman. But I'll NEVER get there if I make a habit of "taking time for myself," in a worldly sense, rather making a habit of giving my time to serve my family and others. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it. I better get started.