He doesn't stay away overnight very often, but when he does I get lonely. This last time, I decided to do something out of the ordinary to challenge my brain. Can you believe I built some shelves? I made a lot of mistakes. My sister told me about this website with plans for building different things. I picked one and there you have it. I'm not sure if I can vouch for everything on the site, but if you need some ideas for building- here it is: http://www.knock-offwood.com/2010/03/plans-simple-bookcases-in-4-sizes-willy.html Since we didn't have a truck to bring home the wood, I had the guy at the store go ahead and cut the pieces. He was very helpful and friendly. However, next time I will cut them myself. Many of the pieces ended up being just a bit off, making the whole shelf a bit off.
Its not painted yet(only primed). I don't see a chance to do so coming up this week, so I went ahead and put it to use. Hopefully I'll build something else useful someday.
Here's our raggedy garden. I just got some nice tomatoes and peppers (my mom grew) planted last night. We planted the first round too early. Most of them were either eaten up, or over watered by the endless rain we had. We also have some herbs growing by the sidewalk- cilantro, parsley, thyme, dill, and chamomile. Out of our 34 bean plants that sprouted, only about 4 of them are still growing. We'll see what are little harvest will come up with!
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