The boys were excited to go to the annual youth fishing derby. 6yo caught the biggest fish for his age category, so he won a new fishing rod. After he caught 2 fish- although it was fun for him- he got distracted by the nearby sand and decided to make sand castles instead.
The other two also got prizes, but they didn’t catch anything. 4yo was beaming when they drew his name and loaded his arms with these goodies. 1yo was glad to show me what he got, too.
I have a friend who was there with her family. She has a servant’s heart like few people do. Her and her husband are both that way. Tonight she offered to walk all around with 1yo while my husband and I each helped the other boys fish. Seems like a small thing. But she does things like that all the time -and is she ever pleasant to be around. They would open their home to any person to visit anytime; they would offer a meal even if it meant they would have less for themselves; they would offer a car, bed, clothes, etc; they would lend out anything without worry about getting it back; and I don’t believe I’ve ever seen them sit and relax while someone else was working. “And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.” 1 Peter 4:9 Hospitality is so important, but it takes effort and sometimes sacrifice! Our spirits are lifted when they simply offer their services- and we try not to take advantage of them!
For my friend, putting others first also includes her husband and children. Sometimes we moms find it more rewarding to serve people outside our families because the rewards can seem greater. She doesn’t seek rewards or praise, she just serves without a lazy bone in her body. I think of her often when I’m going about my daily duties, or when I’m slacking off. Its good to have friends whose behavior challenges me to be more like Christ would want me to be.
I’m not trying to praise any one person, I know many friends and relatives with wonderful attributes, and many of them are servants. She was just on my mind after tonight. The best part is, the glory goes to the Lord. It is no mystery where her strength comes from. She loves to hear about and talk about the Word.
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