Here is our grain mill. In goes the wheat kernels. My father in law is big on ear protection, so he got me those ear cover things. I may lose a few points in coolness when I wear them, but maybe I'll still be able to hear when I'm older. Its really not TOO loud, but I do keep it in our pantry rather than in the kitchen to keep the noise down throughout the house.
The result of a little noise and a minute or two is soft, fresh whole wheat flour.
If there is any left over after making the bread, I put it in the freezer so it won't go to waist. I put in about 10 1/2 C wheat kernels, which grinds into about 17 C flour.
From one kitchen gadget to the next- they do all the work for me! In go the ingredients. Stand back and watch the mixer knead a pile of dough. (Update: Of all the whole wheat bread recipes I've tasted or made, I now have a favorite. I don't think I can post it for copyright reasons. It is from the Bread Beckers cookbook- the 5 loaf recipe. This recipe had never failed me. I always end up putting a little more flour in than the recipe calls for- just until the dough starts to pull itself from the sides. I've also never used the optional lecithin in the recipe. If you are needing a good recipe- its worth it!) For today this is the recipe I used:
6 C hot water
1/3 C oil
1/4 c sugar
1/3 C vital wheat gluten
2T salt
4T yeast
about 16C flour
Voila- here is the final product. Today, it is 3 loaves of bread, one loaf of cheesy onion bread, and a pizza crust to freeze. Yeah!
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