Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bible Croutons

Do you ever feel like there is a drought in your spirit?  I could use some rain.  Its one of those moments in life when I stop to realize, I'm not soaking in the Scriptures.  Life is full.  Never a dull moment.  But all is vanity and there is nothing new under the sun to God.  He only made one "me" and He did it for the purpose of glorifying His name.  If I could learn all the "how to's" of homemaking, mothering, serving others, art, health, world travel and whatever else you can think of, they would not be as important and life-changing as learning a little tiny bit more about God each day...each week, even.  I put down our Student of the Word curriculum for a couple months.  My husband has been more in charge of this summer's Bible Bee curriculum. I'm realizing that I slowly began to neglect my own "curriculum".  I'd better be doing that.  So- I'm putting aside the freezer cherry jam, mint jelly project, and all those other to-do's for a little bit.  When I really get down to it, it doesn't really take up that much time, and God's in charge of time anyway! 

We got in the car a few days ago.  From the back seat, out of the blue sky, we heard our 7yo announce, "You need more of the Bible than a daily crouton!" We both lifted an eyebrow, looked at each other, and started cracking up.  (He read that in his daily Bible Bee lesson.) So true, though.  And I haven't even been having a crouton portion lately.  I hope you are doing better.  If not, I hope I can be a better example in posts to come of a diligent follower of Christ.  As my husband mentioned at church a couple Sunday's ago- Christ must be our root from which all other passions spring up.  Its easy to get sidetracked, but without that daily rain a drought sneaks up.  Lord bless you in your studies!       


  1. Yes, I agree with you, it is so important to stay in the word, on a daily basis. I love my time with the Lord, and it is so easy for me to spend hours doing just that. Sending a hug.
