Friday, July 8, 2011

Garden Feast!

We got the first "crop" from our green beans. The boys had fun picking them with dad. It is exciting for a city girl like me to get to eat from our own garden. As 7yo said when we sat down for supper, "We get to enjoy the fruits of our labor!"

Maybe its not exactly a feast, or enough to take to a potluck, or enough to can. Okay, maybe we each only got a scoop- but it was enough to enjoy and feel like we accomplished something... and eat something we know is healthy.
Next up...
Get the bacon ready.

Also watching our apple mint spread.  I'm looking forward to tea and jelly.



  1. I'd take one bite of homegrown produce over a bushel of store bought veggies any day!

  2. So right, Noel. There's nothing but fresh goodness there...and maybe an ant or two.
