Friday, December 16, 2011

Homemade Vanilla Extract-YES there is a difference.


I was making hot cocoa last night for the family while we were getting ready to listen to the audio version of "Treasures in the Snow" by Patricia St. John. (Excellent story BTW- my husband does not recommend the video version.  He says it was so boring, he couldn't get through it.  Sorry if that hurts anyone's feelings.)  On the other hand, we have listened to our Christian radio station's audio version for 3 years now. 

Anyway, I was making the cocoa and remembered the vanilla extract I had made...about a year ago.  I have tried to use it before now, but I could NOT get the lid unscrewed for anything.  I decided to pull it out and try again.  Somehow, it opened and I took a tiny taste.  Wow. The vanilla flavor is so good!  I then took a tiny taste of the store vanilla- which is very expensive- and it tasted like grossness in comparison.  I thought it was in my head so I called the husband over to try.  He agreed.  So did the boys, but they had just seen our reactions, so they were a little swayed already.

It is so easy to make, too!  Do you want to try?

You need:
vanilla beans- 3 or more
vodka (or rum)- to fill the jar
jar and lid

1. Cut open each bean length wise to expose the inside and seeds but leave it uncut at one end.
2. Put the beans in a jar and cover with vodka.  Here, I am just capping off what I have left in the jar, so it is already dark.  When you first do it, it will take time to turn dark.

3. Let sit in a dark place for 2 or more months. Shake every once in a while.

4. Guess what, you get to reuse the beans!  Just keep adding more vodka.

I am adding rum this time.  I bought some when I was trying out a recipe for aftershave...which I don't think I will post, since that's what I have, that's what I'll try.  Does anyone know if it will taste okay?  Well, happy vanilla extract making!


  1. looks yummy! we are on week five of our vanilla and it looks and smells great - (yes, I have taken the lid off!) Good job and great pictures.

  2. I love homemade vanilla! When I make mine, I buy the tiny bottles of vodka and just drop the beans straight into the bottle. It's easier for me to pour out just a little bit and it doesn't seem to evaporate as quickly as in the jars.

    Thanks for sharing your recipes!
