Sunday, July 18, 2010

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

I went away for two days to attend a curriculum seminar. I knew my boys and husband would have a great time together, and they did. My timing for arriving home couldn't have been better. Just as I walked in the door I was summoned to the bathroom where my husband was holding a cloth to our 6yo son's head. He gave me a peek at it. OUCH! He had been jumping on our bed (after my husband had told him not to) and fell backwards onto the edge of our ceder chest.

We loaded up the family and headed fro the ER. The cut wasn't bleeding much by then, and 6yo seemed to be handling it well, so we had a long wait. Thank the Lord for Grandpa who came to take the younger boys so we could both concentrate on comforting 6yo. We did have such a long wait- understandably since there was a more serious injury they were attending to.

Finally after cleaning the gash and pouring on something to numb the surface...and more waiting...the doctor put seven painful staples in his head. He squeezed my husband's hand as hard as he could, and there were some tears, but made it through. He's a tough boy. We spent plenty of our time waiting discussing how God is our strength and thanking Him that it wasn't worse. 6yo also really enjoyed hearing the story of Ezekiel and the dry bones. He especially liked hearing the alternative endings my husband would make up before finally telling it right. There is not always laughter in the ER rooms, but we were blessed to have it.

Okay so back to a previous statement, maybe I COULD have planned my homecoming time better had I gotten there before he decided to jump on the bed. But you can't dwell on maybe's. I'm just thankful the Lord was there.

1 comment:

  1. 100% Boy. Now that is a story to tell forever. I can here it now...
