Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sweet Corn and Sweet Friends

Two weeks ago, a friend called us to offer some sweet corn they had grown. My husband and I planned to pick some to prepare and freeze to have some yummy corn on hand. Well, after thinking about all we had going on those next two days, we realized it would not work out and the corn would go to waist here if we picked it...

When a friend called me a said her and some others were thinking about getting together to freeze some corn two days later, I was all for it! Not only could we get more done working together, but its always fun to do something together with friends. I got there a little late and they had already shucked it and started boiling it. As we worked, I should have put two and two together...

We filled baggies with corn and cleaned up our mess before I heard someone say it was all for my family! They tricked me into letting them give up their time (and corn) to do all that work for me. Okay, maybe trick isn't the right word for it because I was sure blessed by it. And because I was the one who received the favor. And because I'm definitely not going to complain about it. Each of them had already spent much time working on corn for her own family. Then, they came and did it for mine.

I was baking with a mom and her daughters once who were making sandwiches for lunch. The mom said, "Would you make me one? And then I'll make yours." I was a little confused as to why, if she was going to make a sandwich, why not make her own. She explained that it just tastes better when you make it for each other. I think this corn just tastes better because it was done with the hands of three servant- hearted friends.

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