Saturday, June 12, 2010

Terrific Two's

My baby is turning two! What would our lives be like without him. He brings us so much laughter, SO much love, and SO much fun. Here are a few things I love about his little personality.

He watches his brothers closely. Sometimes, he does what they are doing, but has no idea why.

He hugs and kisses A Lot. He gets So excited when it is time to wrestle with Daddy. He usually goes to sleep peacefully. He often wakes up singing or yelling something indiscernible, but having fun while doing it.

He eats almost anything, although he has become more picky these last few weeks. He still thinks cleaning up is fun. If he sees something that needs to be done, he tries his best to do it. You can make him laugh so easily!

He tries to get involved in our family Bible study times. If the other boys are answering questions or raising their hands, he joins in.

There is so much more. He's just a blessing from the Lord.

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